From Aspiration to Publication: Lessons Learned on the Journey to Becoming a Thought Leader

From Aspiration to Publication:

Lessons Learned on the Journey to Becoming a Thought Leader

From Aspiration to Publication: Lessons Learned on the Journey to Becoming a Thought Leader

Writing a book is often described as a labor of love and a test of your sanity, and for Denise Brosseau, CEO of Thought Leadership Lab, this description holds in more ways than one. In her journey from an almost unknown nonprofit executive to a widely recognized thought leader and author, Denise shares the insights, struggles, and triumphs that shaped her experience in writing and publishing her book, "Ready to Be a Thought Leader." Through her story, prospective authors can find valuable lessons and inspiration to embark on their journey to publication.


"Writing a book is not just about putting words on paper; it’s about passion, persistence, and the willingness to embrace the unexpected."
— Denise Brosseau

Denise's journey to authorship didn't start with a clear plan, but with a deep-seated love for books cultivated from a young age. Coming from a family of avid readers, the idea of writing a book was always in her mind. However, it wasn't until a serendipitous email from an acquisitions editor that she finally seized the opportunity to turn her dream into reality. Denise's story is a powerful testament to the transformative power of seizing the moment and embracing life's unexpected opportunities.

For Denise, writing a book was not just about the act of writing itself but about her love for the subject matter—thought leadership. As an "accidental thought leader," Denise had spent years sharing her journey and insights with others, helping executives and entrepreneurs navigate their paths to thought leadership. This passion for her subject matter fueled her desire to write a book that would guide others, offering a blueprint for turning leadership into thought leadership.

As she progressed, she realized the writing approach was more challenging than initially anticipated. Denise candidly admits that while she loved launching her book, the actual writing process was not always enjoyable. As an extrovert, she found the solitary nature of writing complex, preferring the energy and interaction of teaching and speaking. Yet, she recognized the importance of writing to reach a broader audience—one that she could not connect with in person but in spirit.

The goal of Denise's book was clear: to provide a step-by-step guide for individuals looking to become thought leaders. Through her work with clients and her own experiences, Denise saw the need for a practical, actionable resource to help others build a following for their ideas and expand their impact. She also sought to reclaim the term "thought leader," which she felt had been diluted by overuse, and redefine it meaningfully.

Denise's approach to writing was unique and strategic. Leveraging her background in product development, she created an 'avatar'—a specific type of reader she was writing for. This method allowed her to maintain a clear and consistent voice throughout the book, as if she was directly conversing with her ideal reader. It's a particularly effective approach for authors from a background where products or services are developed with a specific user in mind.


Before writing her book, Denise had been speaking on thought leadership for several years. This experience provided her with valuable content and helped her refine her ideas and structure her book. Interestingly, as she wrote, the book evolved beyond her original five-step process, eventually expanding to a seven-step guide. This organic growth underscores the importance of flexibility and openness to new ideas during writing, encouraging authors to be adaptable and open-minded in their creative process.

One of the critical challenges Denise faced was figuring out where to start. As a former project manager, she would have preferred a neatly organized plan from the outset, but reality dictated a more iterative approach. Denise had already begun blogging and teaching about thought leadership, giving her a foundation to build. Additionally, a graphic facilitator visualized her journey from leader to thought leader, which became a pivotal tool in her book's development.

When Denise pitched her book idea to the acquisitions editor, a visual representation of her journey from leader to thought leader resonated most. The image and Denise's passion for the subject effectively communicated the concept and helped secure the book deal. This underscores the importance of having a clear and compelling visual or conceptual tool to support book ideas, a practical tip for aspiring authors.

Two key individuals further supported the journey from idea to publication: the acquisitions editor, who had a clear vision for the book, and a book coach, who helped Denise refine her outline and structure. Their guidance, combined with Denise's own experiences and content, ultimately led to the successful creation of Ready to Be a Thought Leader.

Denise's story offers valuable lessons for prospective authors. Writing a book is not just about putting words on paper; it's about passion, persistence, and the willingness to embrace the unexpected. Whether it's seizing an opportunity that comes your way, finding creative ways to connect with your audience, or being open to the evolution of your ideas, the journey to becoming an author is as much about personal growth as it is about the finished product. It's a journey that encourages introspection and self-awareness, leading to personal growth and transformation.

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Article ID Number: TSTM-WA-015-119-001
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CEO, Thought Leadership Lab
Denise Brosseau is a visionary leader and CEO of Thought Leadership Lab, a company dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to build more influence, have more impact, and leave a legacy that matters. With over 20 years of experience in the field of leadership, thought leadership, and organizational development, Denise is a respected expert and speaker on the topics of personal branding, thought leadership, change management, and women’s leadership.
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Source Documents

Denise Brosseau, CEO of Thought Leadership Lab. “The Things I Learned from Writing and Publishing a Book..” Telling Stories That Matter Podcast Episode 1, Monday, April 27, 2015